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3-Strand Eye Splicing

3-Strand Eye Splicing

We provide eye splicing services.
Splicing steps of Super Tokuline Rope (30mm):

1. Mark the splicing length (13 crowns) with a tape.

2. Mark the end of the eye.

3. Untwist the rope up to the beginning of the eye. Wind a tape around the end of each strand.

4.1. Make an opening with a spike at the end of the eye. Position the untwisted strands above the rope to pick up the strand in the middle.

4.2. Insert the middle strand (Strand 1) through the opening.

5. Make an opening in the gap where Strand 1 is coming out. Insert the second strand (Strand 2) through the opening.

6. Insert the spike into the gap where Strand 2 is coming out.

Turn and move Strand 2 and the spike 180 degrees as in the picture. Insert the third strand (Strand 3) through the opening.

Confirm that Strand 3 runs parallel with the adjacent strands as in the picture.

7. Repeat Steps 4 through 6. You may start with Strand 2 or Strand 3 rather than Strand 1. Before inserting the third strand, make sure to turn and move the relevant Strand and the spike 180 degrees as in Step 6.

Repeat Steps 4 through 6 two more times to complete splicing.